Data Troll

Musings of a database designer, right-wing constitutional anarchist and overly idealistic schmuck.

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Location: Texas, United States

A middle-aged database designer, specializing in Oracle. I have a teen-aged son and Chinese wife.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A different kind of John Doe

Hey, Flying Imams! You terrorist facilitators should count yourselves lucky; the John Doe’s you ended up dealing with were the wary ‘sheep’ type, as described in this excellent piece, quoting from The Bulletproof Mind. You might have had to deal with the ‘Ram’ type (a group missing from the linked piece, but exists in the real world); those on United 93 and on the Shoe Bomber’s flight were definitive ‘Rams’. Or- worse- some off-duty ‘sheepdogs’ might have been at hand when you pulled your stunt; that would have ended it real quickly.

Trust me on this one; if I- as a ‘Ram’ type- am in the neighborhood and you start acting like you did, you just might have a new seat buddy close by you or at least between you and the cockpit that looks something like the guy above. And that seat buddy is pretty big and quite capable of slowing your punk ass down, if not stopping you cold. You’ll have your seat buddy’s undivided attention for the entire duration of the flight, with something heavy (laptop transformer) or sharp (a fistful of pens between the knuckles) close at hand. And my need to ‘go to the bathroom’ with amazingly coincide with yours.

On the ground… well, I’ve got a shiny new Concealed Handgun License and lots of practice at the range. So you’re welcome to visit me anytime to discuss your radical concept of religion and ‘human rights’. Count me as a much meaner ‘John Doe’ than you dealt with on your flight.
